This blog will chronicle the solstice twins, Kai and Nadia, as they acquire their supernatural (and natural) powers.

Kai and Nadia - The Solstice Twins

Kai and Nadia - The Solstice Twins
born June 21, 2007 - the Summer Solstice
n.b. - any similarities the Solstice Twins have to DC Comics' Wonder Twins is purely coincidental.

Thursday, December 31, 2009


As of December 30, 2009, the solstice twins have a new abode to call their own. We wont be moving for a little while, but the new place promises to have more indoor and outdoor room for them run around in, laugh, cry, and even guffaw loudly if they so choose... It's also about 150feet from a trailhead onto a 2500 acre conservation park called the Middlesex Fells. More photos can be found here. Very exciting. Given the house exterior, we're considering renaming them Hansel and Gretel...

Monday, September 28, 2009

Rollin Rhymes

While language continues to be a problem for the multi-lingual Solstice Twins, Kai did manage to say his first completely tri-lingual sentance:

"Mira this mashina", or "look at this car" in full-blown English.

Nadia's sentences are more focused on nina's (girls, like her floppy doll Fafee) and babies (like her Caroline).

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Another Exciting Vaca in PTown

The kids were a year older, a year more observant, and had a great time in water, on the sand, and all around. Thanks to all those who came to visit: Rachelle and John, Kyungmo, Yumi, and Luis Javier. You can check out all the great photos here... What was number one on teh fun list for the twins? the sand castles? the kite flying? the crab hunting at low tide?? Carnival in Ptown featuring drag queen bingo? no.... it was the Murphy bed in our studio timeshare condo....

Monday, June 8, 2009

Cornell Reunion

15 year Reunion. Feels like a long time for sure... We drove up to Ithaca - it was about 6 hours or so of driving. Got to stay with Anika, who was hosting. Rachelle and John were there too. All in all a really fun time visiting the old place, Ithaca Farmers Market, etc. Here's a few pics, more on the link to the upper left....

Kite Festival at Revere Beach

It was Diana's b-day on May 31 so we took the kids to the Kite Festival in Revere. We got the kite up in the air, but otherwise a bit lack-luster. I was expecting more kites maybe... but here's Nadia shaking her booty to the DJ...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Fun things happen in Yosemite

We just got back from a week in Yosemite, visiting "el padrino," tio Todd, and his cat Angus. We had a marvelous time exploring the park and enjoying the local flavor. There were roaring waterfalls, bright green meadows, and ginormous trees for the twins to grapple with. All in all, their favorite part though was outdoor baths most morning on tio Todd's front porch, in a Home Depot bucket...

nadia takes a bucket bath

tunnel view. you can see bridalveil falls on right, half dome in center, el capitan on left...

Kai doing his best hobbit impersonation

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The playground scene

The solstice twins are getting really into the whole playground scene. The conquer the 5 years and up slides with ease. We have a playground at the local K-8 school and are using it more and more as the weather gets nicer....

Bye bye Winter

Just realized we had no snow pics form this winter! That cant be...

Friday, February 27, 2009

Winter doldrums

It's getting to be that time of year now. Getting sick of the cold. The gray. The wintry mixes that keep coming up. Kai and Nadia are gettin by just fine - just more indoor time. They're growing up fast...sleeping better now... down to one nap a day. They're staring to play with each other really well (sometimes). And occasionally offer each some food - dont believe me? D. Chavez got this great shot of Kai helping Nadia break the record for most grapes stuffed into one mouth by a 1.5 year old:

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Back from Colombia

We spent a really nice time in Bogota and environs... just back. Lots of cousins to play with and a really beautiful country. The twins' grandparents went this time too... The video below is from the Hacienda Margarita, a restaurant in Bogota with a show full of dancers and horsies stomping around.