This blog will chronicle the solstice twins, Kai and Nadia, as they acquire their supernatural (and natural) powers.

Kai and Nadia - The Solstice Twins

Kai and Nadia - The Solstice Twins
born June 21, 2007 - the Summer Solstice
n.b. - any similarities the Solstice Twins have to DC Comics' Wonder Twins is purely coincidental.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A busy cello weekend...

A fun-filled weekend in Boston. Saturday we went to Spectacle island - one of the Boston Harbor islands. The twins just loved the ferry ride! and it was a truly gorgeous, cool day to roam around the island and get 360deg views of Boston and the harbor. Highly recommended...

We also enjoyed a brunch and lunch and with friends on Sunday... and squeezed in a few hours at the South End open studies, hanging out with Seesa and Sophie, running the halls between the galleries :^) and enjoying this amazing refurbished cello, over 300 years old from Italia...

... and yes, i'm going to try and post more often on here if i can keep finding the time :^)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Twins turn 4 - no stopping them now!

Thanks so much to Sisa for editing this birthday video from the Twins' 4th....