This blog will chronicle the solstice twins, Kai and Nadia, as they acquire their supernatural (and natural) powers.

Kai and Nadia - The Solstice Twins

Kai and Nadia - The Solstice Twins
born June 21, 2007 - the Summer Solstice
n.b. - any similarities the Solstice Twins have to DC Comics' Wonder Twins is purely coincidental.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Muraco Multicultural Fair…. Nadia performs the hen and the rooster

…mostly w older 4th and 5th graders :)

she was nervous to go up on stage but pulled through as you can see

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Buddhist Temple, Jeju

wanted to post a movie of Nadia hanging out outside the Sanbang San buddhist temple. The sun is setting and the monks are chanting. very peaceful scene...

Friday, June 20, 2014

Dongtan skating scene

Nadia prefers the inline skates (which is by far most popular with all the Koreans), while is more into his skateboard… There's a tricks park around, but so far we're staying safe :)

(movies by godfather dani)

At home in Korea

…trying to use the blog again, while in Korea. :) We're all getting settled here in Dongtan, south of Seoul.

Dongtan is an interesting "new city" that was pre-planned with lots of high-rise residential buildings (some 66 stories high!) around a large central park, which has lots of great activities for kids…

Also, will keep posting photos here:

Sunday, January 5, 2014

man vs snowman

great weekend back with the twins. snow on the ground; a chill in the air. we went into the Fells and Nadia built a snowman perfect for destruction (as Kai noted). He took a few runs at it before we were able to collapse the beast…