This blog will chronicle the solstice twins, Kai and Nadia, as they acquire their supernatural (and natural) powers.

Kai and Nadia - The Solstice Twins

Kai and Nadia - The Solstice Twins
born June 21, 2007 - the Summer Solstice
n.b. - any similarities the Solstice Twins have to DC Comics' Wonder Twins is purely coincidental.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Cornell Reunion

15 year Reunion. Feels like a long time for sure... We drove up to Ithaca - it was about 6 hours or so of driving. Got to stay with Anika, who was hosting. Rachelle and John were there too. All in all a really fun time visiting the old place, Ithaca Farmers Market, etc. Here's a few pics, more on the link to the upper left....

1 comment:

Jyl Dowd said...

hey wait a minute...didn't you guys visit with some old friend of diana's? why no pictures of her?!!?